Luis Nava
Luis Nava, the editor of the Griffin Post, is beginning his second year as the editor of the Griffin Post, and he is excited to play his part in improving an already wonderful newspaper. This is Luis’ fifth year at Avondale GATE, and his third as a part of the Griffin Post team. Luis enjoys many sports, including cross country, basketball, and track. He also loves music, both listening and playing it (he plays the saxophone in the school band). Luis is bilingual; he speaks English and Spanish fluently. He is excited for the school year, and hopes that you share his enthusiasm!
Shraeya Mehta
Assistant Editor
Shraeya Mehta is an 8th grader completing her fifth year at Avondale GATE Magnet School. She is very excited to take the role of Assistant Editor during her third year in the Griffin Post. Shraeya loves to read, play tennis, bake/cook, swim, sing, and play saxophone. A fun fact about her is that she has been learning music since she was six years old.
Alexander Dippel
Alex Dippel is starting his first year in the Griffin Post. He loves rooting for his teams, whether it is Michigan, the Detroit Lions, or Manchester City soccer. He also plays soccer and disc golf. He loves writing and reading, sometimes a little too much!
Dhruv Duruvasan
Historical Figures: Visual Podcast
Dhruv has been at GATE for 2 years and counting. This is his first time on the Griffin Post. Outside of school, he enjoys many sports such as soccer, tennis, pickleball, basketball, and chess. Dhruv plays chess competitively and has been to Nationals, and has even been to India to play chess. He loves spending time with his family, from camping to stargazing. Dhruv loves to spend time with his sister, but most of all, he hopes to have a great year with you.
Riya Gupta
Historical Figures: Visual Podcast
Riya is an eighth-grade student at GATE. This is her third and final year writing for the Griffin Post and she is very excited to make podcasts for all her friends to see! Riya also has a brother - Rachit - who is starting his first year of middle school! Riya loves dancing and hanging out with her friends as well as reading mystery and dystopian novels, journaling, and especially listening to Taylor Swift! One of her favorite things to do is travel the world, and she’s been to a multitude of places already - her favorites including Dubai, Singapore, New York, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. Riya is so excited for this new year of the Griffin Post, and hopes you love the articles as much as she does!
Musa Hans
Seasonal Topic
Musa Hans is a 12-year-old student at Avondale GATE Magnet School. He has attended GATE since the 2nd grade and is entering his sixth year. He has one nine-year-old sister and a cat, and he enjoys playing Fortnite in his free time. His other hobbies include solving the Rubik’s Cube, playing tennis, and reading comic books. This is his first year writing for the Griffin Post, and he is very excited to show you all his work!
Avira Karthik
Novel Notes
Avira Karthik is one of the writers for the “Novel Notes” section in the GP, and she is currently in 6th grade. Avira has a little sister (Aanya) who is currently in 3rd grade at GATE. One fun fact about her is she won 1st place in the RHPL Battle of the Books in 5th grade. She has gone to GATE for 3 years and enjoys reading, writing, and drawing in her spare time. She absolutely loves to read, and some of her favorite series include Wings of Fire, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and Harry Potter. She also enjoys competitive swimming, and playing piano. Additionally, she plays saxophone in band. She is excited to begin writing in the GP this year!
Ariana Larson
Dear Griffin Post
Ariana Larson is a new student at Avondale GATE. She previously attended Derby Middle School, but has already grown a fondness for GATE. She looks forward to a school year full of learning new things and meeting new people. She enjoys all types of stories, from reading them to writing her own. Her two favorite authors are Rick Riordan and Tui T. Sutherland. She also likes music. She listens to many different artists, including Lindsey Sterling and Livingston, and different genres like Irish Folkmusic. She also enjoys making music on her cello. Ariana will be working in the new “Dear Griffin Post” section. She is excited to meet everyone and answer your questions.
Maya Lovria
Novel Notes
Maya is in seventh grade and is one of the four writers of the “Novel Notes” section of the Griffin Post. This is her fourth year at GATE, and her second year writing for the Griffin Post. She has a younger brother in third grade who also goes to GATE. In her free time, she likes to play tennis, read, write, do math, draw, and play with her puppy. An interesting fact about her is that, at her old school, she skipped 2nd grade and went straight to 3rd. She then came to GATE for 4th grade, and has been here ever since. She hopes you will take the time to read the “Novel Notes” portion of the Griffin Post!
Rohan Pavuluri
Around the World with the GP
Rohan Pavuluri is an 8th grader at Avondale Gate Magnet School and has been at GATE since 6th grade. Last year, Rohan was the “This Day in History” section writer, but this year, to broaden his writing topics, Rohan will write the “Around the World with the Griffin Post” section. Some things Rohan likes to do in his free time include: playing sports, playing chess, and reading books. Rohan also enjoys traveling and has been to many places including the Grand Canyon, Chichen Itza, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Rohan hopes to use his past visits to aid him in writing this section. Rohan believes that you will all enjoy his work, and if you have any questions you can email him at
Not Pictured
Max Richmond
Novel Notes
Max Richmond is one of the "Novel Notes" article writers for the Griffin Post. He has been at GATE for five years, but is trying the Griffin Post for the first time and is ready to help you find the best books out there! Max loves video games, archery, puzzles, and last but not least, books. He likes longer books and series, and prefers mystery, drama, and science fiction over romance or graphic novels. Max is an avid Boy Scout and enjoys talking about new video game releases. If you have any book recommendations, be sure to let him know.
Brodie Silles
This Day in History
Brodie Silles is a 7th grader who enjoys reading, gaming, and writing. Brodie loves animals, monkeys in particular being his favorite. He is a huge nerd and has read hundreds of books. Some of his favorite book series are Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Lord of the Rings, and Wings of Fire. He has never left North America.
Marguerite Underdown
Novel Notes
This is Marguerite Underdown, part of “Novel Notes.” She’s overjoyed to be on the Griffin Post, and this bio is a bit about her. Her favorite thing in the world is books. The more books the better! She enjoys journaling, writing, and traveling, as well as seeing cute animals. She is very competitive, and looks forward to writing on the Griffin Post! She enjoys tubing, jet-skiing, doing high ropes courses, ziplining, and acting in theater.
Abhijit Vadlamudi
Abhijit Vadlamudi, the person in charge of the Griffin Post game section, is in his second year at GATE, and first year in the Griffin Post. Abhi likes doing many things like playing basketball, volleyball, and badminton. He also likes drawing, playing music, and traveling. Abhi speaks many languages: he speaks Telugu and English, and he is learning Spanish in school.
Lucas Wantuck
Five Interesting Facts About the World
Lucas Wantuck, writer for “Five Interesting Facts About the World,” is beginning his second and final year in the Griffin Post. He is glad to be a part of the team once more and is excited to finish his year off strong! This is Lucas’ fifth year at Avondale GATE, where he enjoys talking with friends, playing percussion in the band, helping others around the school, and trying to make people happy there. He is also an avid gamer and loves all things Nintendo, retro or modern! Along with video games, Lucas’ interests include biking, building LEGOs, running, and hiking, to name a few. He loves traveling to different places, with some locations he’s visited being Washington D.C., the Grand Canyon, Universal Studios, and the Appalachian Mountains. Lucas is thrilled to work with the GP and truly hopes that people like the Griffin Post's articles!
Previous Editors
Luis Nava
Luis Nava, the editor of the Griffin Post, is beginning his second year as the editor of the Griffin Post, and he is excited to play his part in improving an already wonderful newspaper. This is Luis’ fifth year at Avondale GATE, and his third as a part of the Griffin Post team. Luis enjoys many sports, including cross country, basketball, and track. He also loves music, both listening and playing it (he plays the saxophone in the school band). Luis is bilingual; he speaks English and Spanish fluently. He is excited for the school year, and hopes that you share his enthusiasm!
Aly Marx
Hey there! My name is Aly and this is the second year I have had the privilege of being editor of The Griffin Post. I am in 8th grade and this is my 6th year at the Avondale GATE Magnet School and my fourth year writing for the GP. I have a little brother, Liam, in 5th grade and a little sister, Julia, in 2nd grade, both going to GATE as well. Some of my favorite things to do are read, write and sing! Outside of school, I play soccer, piano, and take tap dance and voice lessons. I thoroughly enjoy acting as well and will audition for this year's school play. An interesting fact about me is that I have lived in London, England for two years. I hope you like the Griffin Post! Happy reading!
Luca Nowinski
Hi everyone! I have been at GATE for 3 years and counting and I am so excited to be continuing my leadership of the GATE Gazette Jr [that was The Griffin Post's original name]! This has been a passion that I have found within the past year, and I am so happy that I get to share it with all of you for the second straight year! Some of the things I like to do in my free time are robotics, going outside, playing any sports video game, and watching football. I am a big Detroit Lions and Michigan fan, which is sometimes rewarding and other times very disappointing. Also, my family is from Italy, and I love to go there and have all types of good food. My favorite subject is Math, because of all the new ways to solve just one problem. I hope that you can enjoy this website, as our team has worked very hard to get this moving.
Previous Griffin Post Teams
Griffin Post Team 2023-2024
Maya Lovria (Novel Notes)
Jack Mullen (Novel Notes)
Akruti Padhi (Around the World with the Griffin Post)
Rohan Pavuluri (This Day in History)
Adyoth Sural (Jollification Jumble)
Eduardo Velasquez (Advertiser)
Lucas Wantuck (Ten Interesting Facts About the World
Kevin Yin
Luis Nava (Editor)
Mr. Kaczanowski (Supervisor)
Shraeya Mehta (Assitant Editor)
Priya Arun (Advertiser)
Sidney Billings (Sports)
Anna Ferrero (Advertiser)
Hasrhika Gidwani (Personalizing P2)
Margaret Goetz (Around the School)
Abhisri Gummula (Around the School)
Riya Gupta (Seasonal Topic)
Griffin Post Team 2022-2023
Aly M. (Editor)
Mr. Kaczanowski (Supervisor)
Priya A. (Contest Coordinator)
Harshika G. (Personalizing P2)
Evie G. (Advertising)
Riya G. (This Day in History)
Max J. (Around the School)
Shraeya M. (Around the School)
Maya M. (Advertising)
Jack M. (Novel Notes)
Luis N. (Seasonal Topic)
Carson P. (Novel Notes)
Nolan P. (Around the School)
Lake S. (Sports)
Adyoth S. (Jollification Jumble)
Griffin Post Team 2021-2022
Aly M. (Editor, Novel Notes)
Benjamin D. (Advertiser, Contests, Sports)
Carson P. (Novel Notes)
Julia G. (Advertiser)
Julia T. (Seasonal Topic)
Lillian A. (Advertiser)
Livia M. (Jollification Jumble)
Lucy M. (Novel Notes)
Max J. (Around the School)
Michael Bigelow (Supervisor)
Nolan P. (Around the School)
Varsha L. (Around the School)
Griffin Post Team 2020-2021
Aly M. (Novel Notes)
Adyoth S. (Politics)
Carson P. (Student Work)
Julia T. (Seasonal Topic)
Livia M. (Jollification Jumble)
Luca N. (Editor)
Michael Bigelow (Supervisor)
Olivia L. (Parent Careers)
Griffin Post Team 2019-2020
Annabel A. (Seasonal Topic)
Aly M. (Book Reviews)
Blair B. (Around the School)
Charlotte C. (Game)
Claire R. (Game)
Hasan F. (Clubs)
Katie M. (Teacher Interviews)
Krishna M. (Around the School, Pictures)
Liam M. (Jokes/Riddles)
Lilly M. (Riddles)
Livia M. (Clubs)
Luca N. (Editor, Sports)
Michael Bigelow (Supervisor)
Olivia L. (Student Work)
Sarah L. (Teacher Interviews)