Special shout-out to a Churro-Loving Citizen for their support and contributions to the Griffin Post!
The Griffin Post is GATE's student newspaper, and we're glad to have you reading! We publish twice a month, we cover topics ranging from history to sports, and we even have our own podcast!
Upcoming Events
October 22: Movie Day (Fun Run Reward)
October 29: School Picture Day / Coffee with Superintendent @Deerfield, 9:00-10:30
October 30: Halls of Halloween @AMS, 6:00-8:00
October 31: Half Day / End of Quarter One
Thank You to our Collaborators!
Thank you to Luis Nava (the editor), Shraeya Mehta (the assistant editor) Mr. Kaczanowski (the supervisor), Livia Mardiros (the logo creator), the founder, Luca Nowinski, for making this newsletter possible, and all of our amazing writers: Alexander Dippel, Dhruv Duruvasan, Riya Gupta, Musa Hans, Avira Karthik, Ariana Larson, Maya Lovria, Rohan Pavuluri, Max Richmond, Brodie Silles, Marguerite Underdown, Abhijit Vadlamudi, and Lucas Wantuck!